Basic Handgun/CWP Classes

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12/02/22 Handgun Cleaning Class

12/02/22 Handgun Cleaning Class

This is a great class to learn how to clean and maintain your pistol or revolver. Don't worry about the supplies you'll need; caliber-appropriate cleaning supplies & equipment is included in the class cost, as well as a FREE CLEANING MAT!  All of this will be yours to take home with you after our 1 1/2-hour class.


  • Make sure your firearm is UNLOADED prior to arriving at our store, and do not bring any ammunition inside the building.
  • Class attendees are required to bring their own handgun to participate.
  • All attendees are to always practice SAFE & RESPONSIBLE firearm safety. Remember, treat every firearm as if it is always loaded, regardless of your knowledge of that gun.
  • Bring your Drivers License of State-Issued Id and be fluent in English.

Event Information

Event Date 12-02-2022 2:45 pm
Event End Date 12-02-2022 4:30 pm
Cut off date 12-02-2022 2:45 pm
Capacity 10
Registered 3
Available place 7
Individual Price $105.93

We are no longer accepting registration for this event